
Some may asked why "kangaroopals". It is also the name for our flickr photos and etsy little store. Here is why. These are the stuffed animals that my oldest son needs to sleep with. It started with the kangaroo and then others came to the game. Couple mornings when he wakes up, he lines them up onto a table. I found it unique and cute on his own way. Pals are the bear, cat and baby penguin. I want a fun name and some how also related to my family. So kangaroopals it is.


VoilàCreations said…
Ohhh...That was a very nice story. It is a great name for business. MANY CONGRATULATIONS FOR UR OPENING!!! I LOVED IT, LOVED IT AND LOOOVVVEEEEEDDDD IT! Keep up the GREAT work!
Love, ur little Sis Nelly.

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