Martha Stewart Show, April 29th

Yes, I was there for a recording session of the show. It was the special for Mother's day... so, I took my mom as my guest. We got there last one on the line. It was cloudy, cold and raining. It wouldn't be that bad if we didn't have to wait for almost 2 hours to get into the checking entrance. Once we were inside, there were so many people already waiting to get into the studio. So we wait for another 30 minutes. I was exhausted already. Once, finally is our turn to get to sit in the studio. The recording studio is beautiful set and it's so Martha... we were sitting left side on the first end row. Not bad...
I guess my mom and I enjoyed the show. My mother was more excited because of the gifts they were giving... chocolates from Jacques Torres Chocolate, Mellissa Errico Lullabies & Wildflowers CD, and a Flip Video recorder.

Outside studio. Behind FIT at 26 st and 7 av.

Checking area entrance posters